Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thank You!

I have some great news and just wanted to share it with you right away.  The last couple of weeks, donations friends have been slow.  Perfectly understandable with the busyness of Christmas and end of year things.  I was thinking that perhaps the support letter may have got shuffled off into no man's land and some creative financing on my side was needed.

Today, in my mailbox, I received $375 in donations toward the trip!  Praise God who gives generously (through friends).  With only $447 left from the total cost.  God is faithful do supply the needs of what He is doing in India.

On the chance that more support is raised than needed (going out on faith with that thought!) then I hope to be able to sponsor one of the first sewing machines for the Aruna Project.  A sewing machine will cost about $125 and they would like to have 15 to start with.  How great would it be to partner in that way from the very beginning.  

Thank you dear friends for partnering with this project and ministry.  We are doing this together!

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